A happy covid-ish birthday

Tomorrow is my husbands birthday. I want to give a shout out to the most selfless person, who will likely spend his birthday serving his family. There won’t be going to any movies or restaurants. Going bowling or shopping is not going to happen. I will not be surprising him with Jazz game tickets as I had planned. But hey, at least we will probably get a full refund. And all those fake patients that were put on his work schedule to make him think he was still working? Well, I guess we won’t be calling to put them back on the schedule- the office is shut down for several weeks anyway.

He will likely help me take a shower and wash my hair, help me get dressed and bandage up my wounds. Then we will probably do a little Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube with the kids, maybe make breakfast if I can stand up long enough in between trying to flip some pancakes. He will probably sweep the floor 7 times. We will likely do a little homeschool and go for a walk around the block. Except it’s supposed to rain. Maybe we will go for a walk in the rain. A nap sounds like a good idea at that point too. Take-out Wingers for lunch sounds fun, as long as it isn't lathered in COVID-19.  Im quite not sure how I feel about that. We will probably rent a movie, pop popcorn and have a frozen pizza for dinner. We will likely have carrot cake and ice cream to celebrate this great guy in our lives.

I am, however, quite sad that his birthday falls under these circumstances. Who would have known my surgery would be moved up and that our state would be shutting down, pretty much under quarantine. The kids and I will try hard to make it special for him in sort of non-traditional ways, but the most special thing of all is...that I will remember his 33rd birthday for the rest of my life. I will remember it because of the selfless love and service he gave freely to his family on his birthday. I will remember that he cared more about his struggling wife and needy kids than himself and his presents. Presents are wonderful and help a person feel special, yes. But to him, it’s not everything. I’m telling you. At this point in our lives, we really have had to redefine what gifts truly are. Being alive and being well and being together is pretty special for us right now. He has been my life line, CNA, cook and housekeeper, therapist, entertainer and best friend. He has balanced this wild ride pretty darn flawlessly. The amount of love and protection this guy has shown his family these last few weeks is incomparable. It says so much about his good character and selfless nature. Spending time with him, being together as a family and being a recipient of his huge good heart is the best gift I could ever give myself on his birthday. Lol. Selfish of me, right? But I can’t thank him enough for being there for me during all of this. He is my everything. He wouldn’t expect a thing for his birthday, I’ll make it up somehow-but I just want to tell the world what a great man he is. I love him. I’m such a lucky lady...

We did get a couples massage before my surgery and that was such a fun, relaxing experience!



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